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Post by ROBBIE » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:43 pm

went up to wiltshire for the weekend for three days of laning, had great fun.
only broke a few bits but all happened before i got there :er: :argh:
alternator stopped working, sheared the two bolts that hold the bracket on the block,on the way home the bolt that holds the bracket to the water pump sheared as well
all the engine oil disappeared in a cloud of smoke so had to kep topping up. think its a valve
thats this weekend sorted :hahaha:

but this is the one im not sure about.........
on the sat morning before setting of decided to check the winch (always do when i go out) all its doing is the solenoids clicking so before i start stripping it down any one got any ideas what might be wrong??
Sid James gone but never forgotten
Jimny 1.6 not as good as an SJ but still good

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