I am after an exhaust for my SJ and as it is an odd bugger, i am going to have to make it (they only imported 200 of them in 1987 so spares unique to the KJA are a little hard to find)
anyway cut a long storey short, i need to find a exhaust back box from something, but i need it to be special so i can side exit it
I need a smallish backbox that goes in and out the same side, needs to be about a foot long, and would be nice if it had a load of pipe attached too
I bought an exhaust that i thought would do the trick, it fitted all the criteria, untill i picked it up

from a vivaro/traffic/primastar van, the box alone is 2 foot long, needless to say, it wont fit
anyone got any ideas, know of any exhaust that is like the above, only smaller?
help greatly appricated