Hoping to embark on a SJ adventure…

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Hoping to embark on a SJ adventure…

Post by matt567cars » Fri Dec 31, 2021 1:47 pm

Hello everyone. I’m looking for a light restoration project to work on with my daughter who’s approaching 16 years of age, with the expectation that this will be her first car when she turns 17.
I’ve not even started to look at insurance, so would welcome any thoughts as to whether 1.0 or 1.3 is the way forward.
I’m also looking through eBay for any cars that are fundamentally in ‘ok’ condition with light mechanical and / or body repairs required - as a first Suzuki restoration. Is there anywhere else I could be looking as there seems a limited number available at the moment?
Thanks in anticipation of your learned responses!

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Re: Hoping to embark on a SJ adventure…

Post by ROBBIE » Fri Dec 31, 2021 3:03 pm

Hello welcome, unfortunately SJs are a bit few and far between and even rarer in good condition. Have you thought maybe about a Jimny
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Jimny 1.6 not as good as an SJ but still good

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Re: Hoping to embark on a SJ adventure…

Post by ScottieJ » Sat Jan 01, 2022 9:57 am

Facebook marketplace seems to be a good place to find them up for sale at more reasonable prices at the moment.

I’m pretty sure the 410 and 413s are in the same insurance group, but soft tops are a group higher than tin tops or something like that, they are not the cheapest vehicles to insure as a first car, they are a great first car though, one of mine was my first car.

I would aim for an early 410 or 413 (not samurai) for a first project, there’s often loads more rust on samurais because of the sill covers and bigger wheel arches.
Have a read of the buying guide on the website for advice on places to look for rust.

Number one rule though, no matter what someone says there’s no such thing as a rust free SJ (unless it’s been restored properly in the last year maybe 😂) if you haven’t found rust you aren’t looking hard enough and if you remove the arch, sill cover mounts and body from the chassis you will find plenty of stuff that needs welding up :lol:
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