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Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 11:41 pm
by donkeychomp
Too funny. Yep I have them and they'll be in the post back to him when he bothers to answer my 2 emails and 2 unanswered phone calls.

Sometimes I feel like banging my head against a lemon wrapped around a large gold brick but I can't afford a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster so I'll just sit back, relax, and have a glass of anything red by Kumala.

He'll send out new bits to you straight away I would think, he must have them in stock.

And I have to ask the bleedin' obvious but why Ladaman on a Suzuki forum? :hahaha:

Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 11:47 pm
by ScottieJ
Shame you guys didn't figure it out sooner, could have just sent the parts to each other :hahaha:

I guess that explains why you were a bit confused about how the high steer went together :lol: not sure TREs will screw into axle shafts :lol:

Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 12:13 am
by donkeychomp's just daft at times, but you have to laugh at the sheer incompetence of so called 'professionals'.

Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 8:15 am
by Ladaman
donkeychomp wrote:Too funny. Yep I have them and they'll be in the post back to him when he bothers to answer my 2 emails and 2 unanswered phone calls.

Sometimes I feel like banging my head against a lemon wrapped around a large gold brick but I can't afford a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster so I'll just sit back, relax, and have a glass of anything red by Kumala.

He'll send out new bits to you straight away I would think, he must have them in stock.

And I have to ask the bleedin' obvious but why Ladaman on a Suzuki forum? :hahaha:
I've had an email this morning saying he's having them collected from you. So must be the only ones in stock.
Yes he is very difficult to contact by phone or email. I ordered mine on the 11th Nov, then he deleted my email. Luckily I was getted frustrated so send a reminder, but never any communication back :cry:

Ladaman goes back a few years, me and a few mates (about six cars) competed in the Formula 1400 class of the British Rally Championship in yes, Lada Riva's.

Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 8:51 pm
by donkeychomp

Rallying is (in my opinion) the toughest motor sport to master, nice one.

Yep Rob is sending a courier, no idea when he didn't say and once again won't reply to anything.

Did some more bits to P6 today, moving the strengthening bar behind the seats so my seat can come back a bit, much more comfy now, and the rear bumper design has started, not finished yet.

DHL arrived with P5's steering bits and a wiper motor, but alas no linkage. (Do you have one Scottie?)

Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 10:20 pm
by Anton

Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:53 pm
by donkeychomp
With the LJ so high and the petrol tank in a perfect alignment for nearly every modern car to plow into it this needed to be done.

Saw a brand new Alfa yesterday with the front end stoved in...almost nothing left, the driver sitting behind his airbag in total shock, but he was fine (I did stop to check). He'd hit an ancient Land Rover with a steel girder rear bumper. Not a scratch on it.

The bumper will have bracing going down and under the tank incorporating a bash guard for the rear diff.

And some pics I forgot...all the oils got changed except the gear box...where is the filling hole??

Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 8:40 pm
by donkeychomp
Electrics really not my forte, but the offside indicator had packed up..went to change the bulb and it was rusted into place. Managed to get it out with a selection of hammers and curse words but the bulb socket was fubar. Had a spare Unipart one and cobbled the two together to form a new LJ lookalike part! The wiring was shot too so changed all that.

Then noticed the sidelight was out...probably in sympathy for the indicator, more knackered wiring and all good now.

Sometimes I amaze even myself...(actually that's not very hard to do...)

Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 11:48 pm
by Anton
Nice! I'm having trouble with my rear lights at the moment. Land rover rear lights. Anyone surprised???


Really, why am I even asking???

Oh - and any chance of getting pics of your rear suspension setup, buddy?

Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 11:51 pm
by donkeychomp
Yep...just made a note. It's a well beefed up axle, nicely done. Lasted 7 years and still looks good, no rust at fact apart from surface rust I have found no rot at all! Anywhere!