Suzuki Samurai.
1.6 Vitara Conversion
Prop Spacers
31" MT Tyres
Homemade Snorkel
Bucket Seats
Electric Fan Conversion
New Clutch
New skinny Starter
New Shocks all round
New Diff, Tbox, Gearbox Oil.
New Sparkplugs
Polybushed Leaf Springs
Winch Bumper (No Winch)
Very solid
Very Little Rust in all the usual places.
Unfortunately she's not running great at the moment. Starts great and idles OK maybe slightly high.
However she bogs down under hard acceleration. Probably an air leak or something simple for someone with the time to find it.
I've got other projects on and need the space.
No MOT No Tax.
Will need to be trailered or recovered.
Make me an offer?
Located Bristol