E10 Torx Socket + Driver Set
10MM Allen Key
T15 Torx Allen Key
Paper Towel / Old Rag
There is no need to disconnect the battery, chock the wheels / do the rain dance. The vehicle can stay on the ground with no need of jacking up.
So, I purchased a pair of AVM hubs online, these were highly recommended in the Jimny community, and these are the High Performance pair, so should last a little longer!

These did not need the adaptor plates as they are designed for the Jimny.
Remove the old Vacuum Hubs using the E10 Torx, unscrew and throw into the bin.

Clean up the mounting face, it doesn't have to be perfect but free of most grit and grime.

Now is the time if you are fitting SJ or Vitara hubs to fit the adaptor plates, just apply a little grease (not excessive)
Take the new Hubs, and remove the small bolts holding the front on and remove, place the paper gasket onto the hub on the vehicle and offer up the hub

Tighten the bolts and ensure the washers are fitted before tightening!

Ignore the instructions, engage the front of the hub to 4x4 and insert into the hub, and do the Torx bolts up

To test, jack the front wheels up and engage both hubs to 4x4, this should spin both front wheels.
REMINDER - Manual Hubs DO NOT NEED GREASE, just clean with paraffin, and lube with diesel.
I do not take any responsibility from issues caused by following this guide.